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What to expect?

Your first session will probably take a little longer than usual as we discuss the issues and ailments to be addressed.  Most sessions take 45 minutes - 1 hour. 


There are at least 2 ways of approaching your treatment. Firstly, you can tell me what you would like me to work on and I can focus on these areas. Or, if you are unsure of what work needs to be done, I can muscle test to find any energy blockages and unblock these to allow your body to heal ntaurally.



How many sessions will it take?

Recognising that we are all individual, your treatment is prescribed by your body's responses and leads us to the area where there are energy blocks . Essentially you are prescribing your own course of treatment. Of course, this is going to be different for every person, as are the problems that are present. The number of treatments is also dependent on the severity of the condition and the length of time it has existed. 


From my experience in practice 3 appears to be the magic number. Having said that, some of my clients have only required the one treatment and others have had more.



How long do treatments last?

Once again, it is a very individual thing. Some last for many years, whereas others can be brief and only require a top up every so often. We all live dynamic lives and as a result some problems can recurr, for example, I recently worked on a truck driver who was experiencing pain in his pelvis and back.  He had immediate results and was pain free for months until he changed the truck he was driving and the pain returned. He found that when he changed back to his old truck, the pain disappeared again.



Is Kinesiology safe for children and pets?

Children and animals respond very well to energetic healing.  A great testiment is my 3 year old granddaughter who had difficulty sleeping right through the night. After a balance my daughter enjoyed her first unbroken nights sleep in months. I currently own a 24 year old himylayan cat and over the last few years she has suffered pain and discomfort from kidney dysfunction. After a balance, she returns to her old self by the next morning. I think it works so well on young children and animals as they have no preconceived ideas about healing and are particularly open to energy.



Are there any side effects?

Ocassionally clients may experience some side effects after treatment sessions. These side effects may range from emotional outbursts or potentially a slight worsening in the initial pain that you are suffering. These are normal and nothing to worry about, they will usually subside by the next morning. This is a sign that my work is taking effect and your body is beginning to heal. If you do have any concerns do not hesitate to contact me and I will happily dispell any  concerns you may have.

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