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The brand I practise is Kinergetics where I muscle test to find the area where the energy imbalance or blockage is. It is then corrected using healing energy sent through my hands into your body. The energy, generally, is directed at  a specific area of  an organ, gland, chakra, organ, meridian or a combination of these. I generally incorporate Reiki into most balances as they do compliment each other beautifully.



Reiki Is a natural system of energetic healing which works on all levels. The relaxation and stress reduction that is achieved promotes healing throughout the whole body, mind, and soul.


There is research to support that Reiki treatment can be effective for relaxation; pain management, reduced anxiety, depression and enhanced wellbeing. There is also much anecdotal evidence that it also aids with sleep and digestion. It can also reduce side effects from radiation, chemotherapy and medications; whilst also providing good support for substance abuse recovery, support in relationship issues, enhanced well-being, and greater self awareness to name but a few.


Jaw Reset

These sessions rebalance the temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) which affects cranial and spinal dynamics affecting the  quality of the brain/muscular feedback system. When tension in the jaw becomes chronic, this can alter the normal balanced position and cause confused electrical messages to be relayed throughout the body.


Jaw reset can be helpful, with many conditions, inluding: arthritis, bedwetting, child stress such as tummy aches or sleep problems, chronic fatigue, difficulty moving neck, shoulder pain, digestive problems, Fibromyalgia, headaches, migraines, neck and back pain.


To complete a reset, you will need two 60 minute sessions at least a week apart.


Distance Treatments

We're all very busy these days and one of the best thing about Kinesiology and Reiki is that I can send balances/healings to you, no matter where you are. We can do it through skype, telephone, or simply without you being present at all.  I think this illustrates just how closely we are all connected on an energetic level.


Pet Testing
Animals respond very well to Kinesiology. As animals can't talk, I use the surrogacy form of testing which is used in Kinergetics for distance healing. As with humans, I locate the exact area that needs balancing and direct energy to it. As with humans, physical and emotional ailments can be addressed.
Personalised Essences
Essences are often used as an extended support for treatments and are personalised to your individual healing needs. They give you the ability to continue the healing process post-treatment in your own home, work office, and even whilst on the go.
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